Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Rewind (倒带)

总是要来不及 才知道我可爱
应该开心的地带 你给的全是空白
一个人假日发呆 找不到人陪我看海
我在幸福的门外 却一直都进不来
你累积给的伤害 我是真的很难释怀终于
看开爱回不来 而你总是太晚明白
最后才把话说开 哭着求我留下来
终于看开爱回不来 我们面前太多阻碍
你的手却放不开 宁愿没出息求我别离开

你总是要我乖慢慢计划将来 我的眼泪却一直掉下来
从我脸上的苍白 看到记忆慢下来
过去甜蜜在倒带 只是感觉已经不在
而我对你的期待 被你一次次摔坏
已经碎成太多块 要怎么拼凑跟重来
终于看开爱回不来 而你总是太晚明白
最后才把话说开 哭着求我留下来
终于看开爱回不来 我们面前太多阻碍
你的手却放不开 宁愿没出息求我别离开

~ The End ~

This song, written by Jay Chou and sang by Jolin Chai, is best represent my current status... I went to karaoke the other day, just a day after return from the Langkawi trip... I was in a really bad and down mood earlier... Then, my fren opted for this song... and I was in great shock... however, i still sang the whole song coz it's one of my favourite song~~~ Nevertheless, I sang the song with full emotion~~~

The lyrics suit my current situation best, especially the waiting part... I'd been asked to wait and wait and wait... I persevered for 2 years but nothing happened... I can only planned for the future in my own most imaginative and creative way... The "future" seems like an unreaching scenario... When I am alone and longing for the companion of my love one, I found no one... When everyone is enjoying the companion of their love one, all I have is myself... Looking at other people holding hands, I can only jealous and imagine me holding the hands of my loved one... I stand at the outside of the gate of happiness, yet, the gate never opened for me... I just could not stand with the hurt anymore... All the hope I had before this are broken into pieces, impossible to be restored... I am lost... I cant find a way to start all over again... I opted for a decision that took a great courage for me to make... It is a tough decision... It is a decision that I never wanted to make, but it is necessarily for me to take...

Zhu, I am sorry~~

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